Bill of Rights Institute: Constitutional Principles Videos: This site features videos that provide background on core American ideals such as separation of powers, consent of the governed (used in this lesson), rule of law, and representative government. The other videos would also prove useful during or after this module if a teacher wanted to add more video resources.
Representative Government In Modern Europe Ebook Download
But France and Britain refused to recognize the Damascus government and instead imposed a system of mandates on the pretext that Arabs were not yet ready for self-government. In July 1920, the French invaded and crushed the Syrian state. The fragile coalition of secular modernizers and Islamic reformers that had established democracy was destroyed, with profound consequences that reverberate still.
The Republican Evolution: From Governing Party to Antigovernment Party, 1860-2020, by Kenneth Janda. Columbia, Nov. 2022. ISBN 9780231207881 $120.00; pbk ISBN 9780231207898 $30.00; ebook ISBN 9780231557160 $29.99 2ff7e9595c