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Eta Cohen Violin Method Book 1.rar: Master the Basics of Violin Playing with this Easy-to-Follow Met

I lrTHE T WASHINOTOX TUtES MONDAY DECEMBEK 16 lOOtSTUDY TioY EXPLOSIVES EXPLOSIVESroB EXPLOS1VEFORUSEINroB FORUSEIN USE IN MINES MINESExperiment MINESExperimentExperiment btatiop btati Will Be BeEstablished BeEst51bHshed BeEstablishedEstablished in Pittsburg PittsburgDistrict PittsburgDistrkt PittsburgDistrictDistrict DistrictP13TSBORG DistrktP1rTSBU1tG DistrictPJFTSBURGP13TSBORG P1rTSBU1tG Pa D Dec 16 16Appalled 16Appalleda Appalled Appalledafaf a the recent mine nno disasters dls aters within and andadjacent andjacent nndaljacentadjacent jacent to the Pittsbtiry PittsblJidJstrJct I1ttBbw district the thetechnologic t thetaohnologla e etohnololctechnologic bureau buroauot of th the Geological GeologicalSurvey GcologtcalSurve GeologicalSurveySurvey Surve has beeR awakened J1Wakenodto to renewed renewedactivity 1enewcdacUvtty enewcd enewcdactivItyactivity In its offorts QO3 to prevent loss of oflife otlite ofltelife and property due generally tt > cx explosions cxPlo cxploslos plosions Plo Iaps and as a result an elaborate elaborateexperiment elaboratef elaborateperJmentexperiment f perlment station Is s to ba b ostabtshed ostabtshedInIn th the Plttsburff district districtJJ A Holmes chief chle of the technology technologybranch technoIobYbranch technologybranchbranch will have charge of the Immedi Immediate Immcdllite lxnrnodtte ate te work contemplated and he outlined outlinedinteracting outlinedilterelSUng outlinedhfloreetlnginteracting series of experiments periments The Thepurpose Thepurpose Thepurposepurpose Is to ascertain the character characterofof all kinds of explosive used In mines minesand minesknd minestndand their effects when brought brau ht into intocontact Intocontact IntocOntactcontact with coal gas fire damp and andduct an anduct andduduct ductExploBivui ductE du tExploBivui E XlllOehL tXlllOehL plo hJS will m be thrown by means meansof meanBor meansofof a mortar into the mouth of a huge hugeboiler huScboiler hugeboilerboiler plate cylinder to be filled alter alternately alterntely alternt1y nately wjtli Ul the various kinds of gases gasesand gasttIJand gasueandand dust accumulations which are re responsible respopslble respopsible sponsible for the terrifying occurrences occurrenceswhich occurrenceswh occurrCtlCe3vIiLchwhich wh n mark mining miningPlate mtnlngPlate miningPlatePlate glass windowI will be arranged arrangedalong arrangedlong arrangedsjongalong long the sides so that It will be pos possible JOSsible iossible sible to observe the action of the com combustibles oom5t1blel coinbust1bIe bustibles bustiblesSanta bust1bIeSanta 5t1blel 5t1blelSantaSanta Letters LettersExpected LettersExpected LettersExpectedExpected Now NowTo NowTo NowToFloTo ToFlo Flood d Mails MailsAA deluge etuge of Santa ta Claus letters let is I pre predicted pre4 pre4d1etttd prodIcd dicted d1etttd by ypostal postal officials as a a result of ofthe aCtho ofthethe order of Postmaster eGneral Meyer Meyerreleasing Necrreaslng Meyerreleasingreleasing to philanthropic Institutions Institutionsallall mall matter of this charaoter The Theknowlodso Theknowlo Theknowledgeknowledge knowlo e that the letters arc to r rc nt ntclye rcelveclye c lve attention is expected to prove an anadditional ana anaddItiosaadditional a dltlfln1l incentive to write to Santa SantaGlaus SantaCl8ua SantaClausClaus and it is thought that many manywho man manwho manywhowho heretofore have not taken the thepains thepain thepainspains pain to write will now do so soThe aoThe soTheThe question has come up at the thedepartment thedepartment thedepartmentdepartment department as a to what w at shall be done donewith docewlth donewithwith the Santa Glaus letters dropped droppedInto droppedInto droppedIntoInto the malls maUl without Jthoul stamps affixed affixedThe tfixed tfixedThe tf1xedTheThe PostntasUr General Will in probably probablypaw p pobablypase obably obablypupaw on this question when he returns returnstoto th the city tomorrow It Is said that thatabout thatabout thataboutabout onehalf the th Santa Claus letters lettersare lelteuan lettersareare an mailed without stamps affixed This Thisclass Ehisdase Ilnslaseclass lase of letters has nas always al a s been sent sentdirect Rntdrect sentdirectdirect to tie dead letter office officeUnder otllceUnder officeUnderUnder the new rule Santa Claus let letters I lttters t tt ters t rs will be handled by the postmas postmasters postmasHalS poatmasters ters of the respective cities which re relieves relIev relIeve lieves lIev lIeve the dead letter office tor or the thetime thetime thetimetime feeing but many of those letters letterswljl letlerwlU letterswillwill bs turned in on January 1 the date datethe datethe datethethe order expires expiresAbout expireA1tout ccplreeAboutAbout 15W Santa Claus letters tire tirenow I IOW areflownow OW on hand in h the dead letter office officethat officethat officethatthat will probably bp b turned over ov r to tosome toiJOmt tosomesome institution in Washington In ad addition adlUon addillon dillon lUon to this number Postmaster PostmasterBarnes Pastmastrnrn PostmasterrarnBarnes nrn will have a large accumulation accumulationtoto dispose dlP > of ofMRS ofMRS orMRSMRS CARTER SUED AGAiN AGAiNPAPERS AGAiNPAPERS AGAINPAPERSPAPERS SERVED FOR 7250 7250GREAT 7250GREAT 725OGREATGREAT BARRINGTON Mas Mama Dec Dee1LMrs DecILMrs16 1LMrs Mrs LYlle L ll Carter Payne P e the act actress actreu actYou You has been served with papers in a asuit asuit asuitsuit Instituted by Miss Edith Norton NortonMisti NortonMIH NortonMissMiss Norton Is a local stenographer stenographerwfce stenographorwlHt stenographerwewfce we claims talms IIM nUl 7340 for or services servtc alleged to tohav tohav6t tohavehav have been 8ee rendered r6R ered during three days dayslast dayslut dayslsstlast month She says say she took dictation dictationInIn connection with a play In which Mrs MrsCarter IraCarter Ztr ZtrCarterCarter Payne expects to star starService starService starServiceService of the papers was made No November No NoYdmber Novmber vember 20 after Miss U 8 Norten says says the themoney themO1ey themoneymoney mO1ey due du was not paid paidTIMES paidw paidTIMES paidTIMESwTIMES WANTS WANTSANDAND OTHER OTHERCLASSIFIED OTHERCJA OThERcL4asH1JEtADYBRTJSMENTSCLASSIFIED CJA cL4asH1JEtADYBRTJSMENTS cL4asH1JEtADYBRTJSMENTSONE SIf D ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTSONEONE CENT A WORD FOR FORSITUATIONS FORSI FORSIZiJATIONSSITUATIONS SI UATIOS WArTED hELP WANTED WANTEDRC WANTEDRQQ11S WANTEDRQMZRC RQQ11S MS FOR RENT RE r ROOMS WANTED WANTEDROOMS WANTEDRj3 WANTEDROOMsROOMS AND BOARD BOARD WANTED WANTEDTwo W WTwo wipTwoTwo cents II word wordfor lor all other classified classifiedftdvartbwaanU calll0e4velltuc clauifledadeetIwsentftdvartbwaanU 4velltuc ut for less than three Insertions InsertionsIf JaserU JaserUIe =If Inserted fur thro thr or more consecutive consecutivedays cenllecuUVOane consecutivedaysdays one cent a word for each insertIon InsartionTh Ins insertIonrates rtlon rtlonrhueTh rhue e rates do not apply to Personals PersonalsAdvertisements PernaJa4dvcrttsementa PersonalsdverttzementsAdvertisements will tie accepted at tanT any of ofthe ofU1e ofthethe following broach offices at regular office officerates omceftes ofliceratesrates If It Is Inconvenient to leiwa advertise advertisements adverUseD1cnt advertiseisenta ments at either branch office offle or r The Times TimesBusiness TimesBusilleas TimesBusinessBusiness Ofgco they may be telephoned direct directto directto directtoto The Th Times Main CJ50 O And a messenger messengerwill measeegerwillwill 111 call e n to collect without additional charge charget c e etheto t the advertber advertiserBRANCJEt advertber4cadvertberCBBRANCJEt 4c CB OFFICES OFFICESNORTHWEST OFFICESNORTHWEST OFFICESNORTHWESTNORTHWEST NORTHWESTGqLDeNBEBGS NORTHWESTGQL NORTHWESTGQ1DENBERGSGQL GqLDeNBEBGS JBRGS 7th and K ats ts nt ntS OP OPS fly flySS KANNSOXS KANNfiO NNSONS CO Jth th andMarkel 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mail mailcrder maJlorder maji majiorderorder buslntis uslziu began with I 45 anyone can cando canGo candodo the work send for or free tre booklet tells tellshow teUahow tellshowhow to 0 get et etarted MANAGER A2EH GR Box 130 670 670Lockport 5iO 570LockportLockport N Y oc28U oc28UMAN odStlMANHOtlttst ocIS4fMANjioneiLMAN MANHOtlttst MANjioneiL Honest reliable Uable young yonn colored colo dc1rlve drivedelivery wagon and make himself generally generallyuseful aeneroUyusetul generallyusefuluseful Apply J W RUPPERT BRO RO 711 7117th 7117th7th st aw it itmust ItMANYoungMANYoung Youn some experience at barte bartencung ltllngmust bo sober and of o good habits babl BOX 102Times oBct o It ItHAN Iteet1 itSIANColoredHAN SIANColored Colored to b be generally useful around d dItbar wages tf 4 j pr > er week weei eet1 912 llo Lofllslana iS a1 ave aveChristjna> areitIt ItllEliO itMEN40llEliO 4ot ence nce 10 make 5 per er d day y elUngChristjna novelties bring Jl 1 to start tAft Vou yougCHROT CI1BO 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IquartQuart Imported and domeittj dome wines and andliquors nllIquors antilIquorsliquors leading brands = at cut prices two twobottles twobottles tWObottltsbottles rye any brand b with W Wedd Wed4rburn Wed4rburnBye dderburn dderburnBy rt > urn urnByeBy Bye combination 1166 TilE JOHN WED WEDDERBURN WEDDERDUn WEDDEIUIURNDERBURN CO 611 61 F 2 at at Btr Xl Phone 6434M 6434MD03U M9UdnoJtt 64345noltZD03U D03UYOUNG noJttYOUNG noltZYOUNGYOUNG MAN 1 1AAt At soda fountain MODERN MODERNI5RUG 1 MODERNDIIUG 10DER 10DERnUGI5RUG > nUG CO 7th and B its t nw It It5ELP 1tHELP itHELPHELP WAKTED W WANTEDMale ANTE1 > Malo end n Female PemaliYOUNG FemaleYOUNG FemalsYOUNGYOUNG LADY or gentleman capable of play playing playIng playlog ing the piano pl o and singing Illustrated songs songsname songname songsnamename salary expected seasons work and andgood aD4goOd andgoodgood hours Address W S So HARPER P O OBOX OBOX 0BOXBOX 24S AlsxsjJdrta Vo de4t de4tWE de1HtWCTECH delfitWEWE WCTECH TEVCH TEiiPinan Pitman Graham Gregg GreS Barnes Barnesand 13arnuand Barnesandand the Syllable systems ytem Tfi to to 100 words per perminute perml1utOln perminuteminute ml1utOln in ISO hours guaranteed Positions Positionsprovided poslUonsprovilled Positionsprovidedprovided for our pupils catalogue free froSTENOGRAPHIC freeSTEKOORAPliIC freeSTENOGRAPHICSTENOGRAPHIC ACADEMY Colorado bide bideno2Cti blc2cnoGU bldgno2dtno2CtiWANTED WANTEDAGENTS WANTEDAGENTSAGENTS WANTEDAGENTSAGNTS AGENTS AGENTSAGENTSAGENTS make mmake25 25 weekly wekl selling oUft our house household uuaehld household hold apel specialties p olaltlff Ue free Illustrated eatalORue of offast ortut ofXaatfast selling aellln goods I NELSON CO BOX 164 164Back 1S4Back 164BackBack Bay Boston Mass dlt2t dlt2tSITUATIONS d6lUSlTUATIOIiS deU2LSiTUATIONSSITUATIONS WANTED W WANTEDFEXTALE WANTEDFEXTALEPOSITIONS A11 TEDFE FEMALE FEMALEPOSITIONS MALE MALEPOSITIONSPOSITIONS as U firstclass cook by two ttora ttoraspeetable re respectable respottable spectable colored oelo women stay nights 1214 121420th U1 U1Oth 12I20th20th st t nw d de del6lt del6ltJAPANESE 163t 163tJAPANESE 2t 2tJAPANESEJAPANESE girl Tianls u11s a a poaition offlcd offlcdwork om omwork olflwork >work or store 1It re she just came here list nght from froniJapan tromJan fromJapanJapan and she can write VIrit English and can us ustypewriter use US6typetiter usetypewritertypewriter too Please call Address AddreuUSa AddreuUSaT MISS MISST MISSrT HEANA 1188 ILk st sL se delSZt delSZtBY doI6tBY doIG4tBYBY COLORED GIRL general g house housework work 1624 1624Wth 16410th 168410th10th It at L aw awLAUNDRY It ItLAUNDRY ItLAUNDRYLAUNDRY work to take 1iOme hoe reference reterencellO referencei1i3dinw1120 i1i3dinw Sd st t nw D w It ItWASHING 1tWASHIlG itWASRINGWASHING to tako home boMeby by colored woman womangood W womangoodork an andgood goodork d work 2 e W Gale st at ae It ItSTENOGRAPHER ItSTENOGRAPHERFive itSTENOORAHERF1veSTENOGRAPHER STENOGRAPHERFive rive years years experience experiencethorouglt experlencethoroufh experiencethoroughthorough buBinea bullI woman Al references rete reforonc front frontpresent fronpresent frontpresentpresent employer em loyer moderate salary BOX BOXTimes 105 105Time 106TimesTime Times office delBJt delBJtBY deUJtBY delS3tDiBY FTRSTOJLAS5S colored laundress family familywashing familywuhtt fsntiiywashligwashing to talce home 92 N sL nw It ItPLACE 1tPLACE itPLACEPLACE as goed C d plain cook cook1 city references referencesstay rtereaelltay referencesstaystay tay nights 11 UJI 20th th h st st nw de43t de43tSITUATIONS deH3tSITUATIONS del43tSITUATIONSSITUATIONS WANTED WANTEDMALE WANTEDMALEREGISTERED WANTEDMALLREGISTEBED MALE MALEREGISTEREDREGISTERED druggist can furnish very verybest venbeat verybestbest refereacaf r Addqaz Ad4 dd ers DRUGGIST SU SUNorth auNerth sitNorthNorth Carolina ave se it itWORK ItWORK itWORKWORK by lend red My BOX 12C U6 1T1me Times of office o onee offlee nee del62t del62tJANITOR de15tJAiITOR dotSStqANIT0RJANITOR eagiaeMr cagsesc with license can ca do re repairs r rpain repairs pairs and handy city references mere J73S 12th Uthst 12tht 12thitst t ne delSn delSngltiatng del5Zt6TvDENT delSRsTVi5E4T6TvDENT wants work 1dr r two Web be beghQts beglttn4nggltiatng D De December C4mb r 21 Address JOHN pU DU DUWANTED U UVV L 51 WANTED WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS WANTEDMISCELLANEOUSHICIRBST ANTED MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUSH1OHBST 5CELLANEOU 5CELLANEOUHIOHBSTH1OHBST cash prices paid aJd for discarded discardedweiring d1cardedcUing discardedweLtingweLting cUing appajnl ladles gints and chil childrens ch11f1re chil4rens drens f1re shoes oes and hats Address postal will willcall wWc11 willcallcall at p once B TAR8HE8 TAEE11 OU 7th sU it t nw nwpbon owphone nwphonepbon phone North orth 4W 09LADIB5 no5tf no5tfLADIES DOriULADIESLADIES oats rtylfafaly made and trimmed76 cents can bring ewa wa material I d dNd dNdevenln dclndevening evening evenln hats and fur tokes a a epvdaltr epvdaltrMADAME 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nwoc2ttoc UII PAT THE TilE hlghwt hhh cash prices or ladles ladlesand Iadlcan Idietan4n and gcntloiBeoo castoff wearing apparel apparelI aPP appareidrop idrop card will call Co C LIVINGSTON isii isii7th aU aU7thtI 7th 7tht st nw or ph beneiLaIa n Mala CXI L no o nn2633t nn2633t1IGlLST t tHIGIUEST tHIGIIESTHIGIUEST cash prices paid for worn car carments gin ginrncifls r rracntsracnts ladies or gentleoioaa eaUomca Alo o shoes shoesand aJloesaD4 shoesandand hats I will call any hour S S KE KEi KEBSSKY KBBESKYi BESKY 1306 7th st t nw n Phone N 3260M 3260Mno263 60Mno 60M 60Mno2630tno263 no no2630t no2630tIEOPLE 3Ot 3OtPEOPLE t tPEOPLEPEOPLE to buy buyand and sell stocks ten shares sharesnO sharesnJ barnAzdAzd nO up paying P4yln 5 io 15 per cent at present presentprices presentlIr1ces presentpricesprices buy stocks you can always sell at atWADE atWADE atWADEWADE HEDGES Mt 5 G st st nw nn2238t nn2238tBIG nol4OtBIG aetBIG =BIG MONEY PAID for desirable furniture furnltunjcarpeta tl1rnJturecalPeta furniturecarpetscarpets office furniture and household 1 goods goodscontents EOOcontents goodsceutenticontents mrCLftU7 rciallr also stocks t cks of merchan merchandise merchaodlse merchandice dice D X0TEB lOTEees C95 6 La LaYL ave V Phone M Me 2 3006 3006FOR 3006 3006eeSU 0O6 0O6IeeSU eeSUII FOR vR RENT RENTUNPUENISEED UNFURNISHED ROOMS ROOMSKK ST NW ellTwo l Tw or three large unfur unfurnished unturnlshod unfurulihod nished rooms on second floor oor for light UgJithous UgJithousk house houskfceptog housengkfceptog k eJ > In ng It It9TH ItTH It5TH9TH TH ST NW 13a lHeTwo Two unfurnished rooms roomsand roomaand romniandand alcove Sd floor light housekeeping housekeepingdettft bouMk housekoengdeISt DdeISt dettftE Ddel6k del6kE deIStBE ST SE 121 U110 T > vo roo r Bs Ught Ygath housekeep hoosekoepIngi housekeepingI USek p pAIngi A bet be watt water r heat d lIelil lIelilGST dotSHGET l 3t 3tGG GET ST NE E IMS 108Three Thr rooms and hath 1athd 1athdftoQr ath M Mfloor 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1415Follr Four unfurnished untumlahedrooms unfurnishedmomsI rooms J14 U pet pormonth pormonth1bPwo month de53t de53tI de1 3t 3tIJ3T1ST ST NW 160CTwo unfurnished rooms roomslight roomslight mi milightI light housekeeping bOUJje ouske fping pthg n ACW eW w house mouse ooS i private tam family tamny fainfly fly do43t do43tH deIi3tiiirH iiir ST NW J12 4IF1 41EiLt Elat of three cheerful ch chr4nitui l com communicating CBItmuulcnUng cornmuuicatng municating rooms find bath for torJlght light house housekeeping bousek housekeop1ng keeping k jp4n B BST ST SW 602 rAnThree Three unfurnished unfurnizhedlor for light lighthousekeeping lightho lighthousekeepinghousekeeping ho ekteplng with gas and bath de43t de43tPENNSYLVANIX de1l3tPENNSYLV dellItPZNNSYIJVANIAPENNSYLVANIX PENNSYLV ANLA AVE 1301 mlThlrd Third story storyfront st01front storyfrontfront room over drug store tore toreD de4t de4tI fJe1 t tDI D ST NW 210 1GThree Three rooms large closets closetsI clolletgu closetsgasI gas heat light housekeeping > de4 de144t de144tG 4t 4tGG ST NW 511 fiUFour Four rooms second floor floorCall 1toorCall floorCsIlCall Monday de4St de4StFOR dc143tiOR del4itFORFOR RENT RENTFomisbed UNTFurnished RENTFumisbeFurnished or Unfurnished Unfurnished Rooms Rooms9TH Ro Rooms9TH ms ms9TH9TH ST NW 1021rRooms furnished or un unfurnished UDtumlllhed nofurnished furnished from rorn H 4 to HO U 19 each room and andboard andboard andboardboard 23 p per r month it itADAMS 1tADAMS itADAMSADAMS ST NW las 1STwo Two furnished o oportly or orpartlT t tpartlyportly furnished rooms south front new newi newboule newhousehouse It ItK ItKi K ST NW 931 mon On parlor floor two fur furnished ter ternllhed furnished nished or unfurnished rooms and porch for forlight forIIgl furlightlight housekeeping delS3t delS3tUTH 41el53tl1Tl SetSatiijsTUTH iijsT ST SE 111FurnJabed 411 11Purn1shed Furnished or unfurnished unfurnishedone unfurnbheoneone or two tworOpmp rooms T Pm private family house prlv prlvlieges privl1e prlvilegeclieges l1e es delS3t delS3tBIRDS d dolS3tBIRDS 153t 153tiURDDOGSBIRDS iURDDOGS DOGS ETC ETCLEES EI EILEES ETCLEESLEES BIRD STORE will remove December D ember15 to 413 llth st nw opposite Star Build BuildIng BuildIn BulIdtugtug In and continue c ntJnue to carry rry full Jine Jlneot of birds birdspets bird birdpets birdpetspets cages ca 03 aquaria etc delStf delStfPETS deliittPETS detStfPETSPETS for Christmas gifts singing canaries canariesparrots Canariu Canariuparro anayiesparrotsparrots parro pigeons poultry g geld ld nab rabbits rabbitsguinea rabbitsguln rabbitsguineguinea guln guine pigs wblta mice and rats rat ts dogs dog cats catshorns caumonkeya catsmonkeysmonkeys andmountod and mounted bl birds lI deer beads beadshOI113 neacisboronhorns etc SCHMIDS BIRD STORE 71 7112th 11 11nth 71212th12th st st nw de3tf de3tfCHRISTMAS delJttCHRISTMAS dej3tfCHRISTMASCHRISTMAS GIFTS GIFISBea1Uul Beautiful Angora Cats Catxsweet CatsIIwet Cat Catsweetsweet singing canaries fine talking parrots parrotsthoroughbred parrotsthoroughbred parrotsoooghbredthoroughbred dogs o raoblts guinea pi pimonkeys pigs pigsmonkeys pigsmonkeysmonkeys frnd nd goiaflsh LEES BIRD STORE STOREioinol Stir at st t nw W dtUtrFOR KENT ItElfTFURmfHED FURNIJJHED ROOMS ROOMS6TH ROOMS6TH ROOMS6TH6TH ST NW 70 rocbolce Cholc of well furnished furnishedrooms turnlbedroome furnished20cmrooms 20cm newly opened house I bath > atb heat fLSO fLSOweekly 160 160weekly 160Weeklyweekly up housekeeping boullek plll looms delC3t delC3tEYE tlcJGtEYJ deiGItEY59EYE ST NW 1204 1204l1eat Neat eat front roomheated bath on Bain same floor ftoor convenient for forAll forallAll purposes del63t del63tGRANT del63tGRAr dellCtGRANTGRANT PLACE PL 23 28Comtortabt Comfortable heated 1 bed bedroom bedroom bedroomroom hot and oold running water 10 10mopthly 10mopthl 10iflopthlymopthly mopthl de53t de53t3D de1Wt3D SetSItiD3D ST NW i29 3Roons 9Boons Rooms with 2 beds bedsothers 3 3others 3 3othersothers J2 2 de63t de63tPENNSYLVANIA del63tPENNSYLVANlA delS3tPENNSYLVANIAPENNSYLVANIA AVE SE BE ei 619Furnbbed 619Furnbbedroom 680Furnishedroom Furnlshed Furnlshedroomroom 6 delG3t delG3t6TH de1G3t6T1l SetSItST16TH ST1 ST NW W 719Neat 71 eAt front ball bIJInth room 6permonth 6 6perper permonth month nth delC3t delC3tEE ST NV 1811 IlJllTwo Two nice furnished roomfor furgcntlexnen gentlemen only dolC3t dolC3tF ool63lF dellItFF ST NW 234 23Two Two or s three iurnlshed iurnlshedrooms furnlhedrooms Iurnisbedroomsrooms for housekeeping housekeepllK del53t del53tP de deFF ST NW 234 23Fumllhel Furnlsheu rooms will m board boardall boardall boardallall warm light ro rom moms n It ItDELAWARE ItDELAWARE ItDEIAWAItEDELAWARE AVE NE 3KVery desirable desirableball desirablehall desirablehaltball room on parlor floor near Union Sta Station 5tLUltn 5t5tiemtand tion tiemtand and Capitol de63t de63tMASSACHUSETTS de1WtMASSACHUSETTS dotSHiXASSACHIJprirsMASSACHUSETTS AVE NE 311 2I1LartIo 2I1LartIoturnlsbed IZiLareefurnished Largo Largofurnishedfurnished roomi room 2d d floor vacant December DecemberM DecemberdotSCtM no del delC3t delC3tG 3t 3tGG ST NW 431 431Two Two furnished rooms J4M J4Mlight SUIIIcbt 459 459lightlight housekeeping de63t de63tK dC163tK dellCtICK ST NS N 23 23Three Three nice rooms on first firstfloor nnttJoor firstlfloor l f tr r light ght housekeeping de53t de53tHARVARD Ce153tHARVARD tIellItBARVAI1DHARVARD ST 1327 1mNew New house private tile tilebath Ulebath tilebathbath half iaii block from 14tb at t cars reason reasonable reaaonable reasonable able del53t del53t6TH c1e152t6T1I dellCt6TH6TH ST NE S22 5Three Three furnished rooma roomaJ4J4 4 J5 5 and K gentlemen preferred de63t de63tNEW doliUNEW dellStNEWNEW JERSEY AVE A VE AND H ETS NW 2WLarge NWLarae NWLargeLarge front rooms 1OOma bed or sitting in apart apartment apartment apartmont ment house private bath steam heat one oneblock 016block oneblockblock from G P 0 breakfast and Sunday SundT1uJdinner if desired d Apartment 36 THE THESTANHOPE TiLESTANIIOPE1uJ Ed J6de J6deINDIAiASTANHOPE E del5Jt del5JtINDIANA dellStINDIANAINDIANA AVE 38aRooms well kept kepthouse keptholaC kepthousehouse steam beat delS3t delS3tCLAIBORNE deI51tCLAIBOnNE dellCtCIIAIBORNECLAIBORNE 6TH AND 1 STS NW NWTw NWTwnicely NWTwonicely Two Twonicelynicely iurnlshed urnJsh d rooms Call a11 11 Apartment Aputmentde1lt 3S 3SdeU2t 3 3delI2t =deU2t deU2tPENNSYLVANIA de1lt1ENNBYLVAIA delI2tPmNNsrLvjqPENNSYLVANIA AVE NW 4Neatly furnished rooms reasonable steam heat heatlight heatUcht heatlight CING lesions See waltz aad aadtwostep aAc1tWI a atwosteptwostep tWI > tep guaranteed teed 6 lessons class n nnonth l lmonth 1monthmonth ball room for rent S3 to SS 1 Address Addresswith Ad4reuWith Addresswittawith stamped envelope BOX 486 Times oC oCfloe 0tke orfleefloe dal4samott dal4samottMISS da1isamotMISS dellsamoiLMISSMISS COULTER professor of dancing pri private private pcivalevate lessons We It you can walk I can cant CI1teach canteacht teach ach you to waltz 241 I st t nw Phone PhoneM PhoneMeM Me 1190 JUranced Atran M ranved ed classes Tuesday Tues and an Fri Friday Frld pcidgy day d I tp 11 U Ball room for rent detMt detMtAUTOMOBILES 4ehltAUTOMOBILES delIStAUTOMOBILESAUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILESFOR AUTOMOBILESFORFOR FOR r a SALE SALE SALETWOCIILPder Twocyilndesr llDd automobile in ex excellent excellent cxcelient cellent nnalng n DRI order carries flv five r complete completewith completeIIJth cooptewithwith lamps etc J400 too terms if you GU wish 72 72T nT 12TT at At nw del del53t del53tSPECIAL dellItSPECIAL 3t 3tSPECIALSPECIAL bargains in automobile casings casingsDiamond cuIngDiamond casingsDiamondDiamond 1W7 construction 28x3 only 115 11539x3 976COal 7i 7i3te3COal Ill 11 59x3 S x J14J9 lJe other sizes size proper proportionate proPOltlonato propertionate tionate prices expert vulcanizing winter winterTIRE winterprices r rpriceaprices guaranteed Work JONES AUTO AUTOTIRE AUTOTIRETIRE WORKS 608604 Ot M E E deUfrsamoK deUfrsamoKAUTOMOBILE de1itraamottUTO dei2frsaine9tAUTOMOBILEAUTOMOBILE UTO OBILE runabout IB perfect condi condition co condidon dl dlUon don with top and Improvements JIN JINREIGH 160 160BElGH 160BEIGIREIGH BROS Rear 715 13th at st t nw WnwdolS3t nwdll dolS3t dolS3tAUTOMOBILES dll dollItUTQMOBILES 3t 3t4UTOMOBILESAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 11507 MAXWELL TOURING CAR cAR equipped equippedwith equippedwlth ulpped ulppedwIthwith top op and search lamps lamplJ1n In flrslclass flrslclasscondition ftratcwsconditlol1 firstclassTwocondition 4 T750 T750Two moTwoTwo 1301 Jlaxwell lAxweU runabouts in flrstclass flrstclasscondition t1rztclasndlUon firstclasscondlUnacondition ndlUon 650 650ltXltX 1006 COhorsepower Thomas 7paaaenger tour tourIng tourIn tourngIng In ng car In flrstclass condition con4lU n cost14600 4600 W750 W750DEMONSTRATIONS 51150DE21O8ISTItATIONS 17 17DEMODEMONSTRATIONS DEMO STRATJONS GIVEN GIVENTHOMAS GIENTHOMAS GIVENTHOMASTHOMAS La TOLMAN TO AUTO CO COIKS CO1mIKS L St 5t N W de4tf de4tfLIGHT 4e14ttLIGHT 5e14rfiirLIGHT iir TOURING CAR in fine condition conditionlamps condlUonIam conditionlampslamps Iam s etc complete for Quick sale will willMil wlflsell m mwnMil for about ab > ut 5300 300 Call afRIEGIJS at IUEGS BROS BROSrear BROSrar BROSrearrear rar 715 nsUth 18th st It nw nwde13it nwde13ittO deia del34t del34tALEA t tFORFOR SALE ALEA A flverasseagtr flve7iseRXsr = twocylinder twocylindertouring tO IWOcylindertouring I IcaJntouring car In perfect condition a a rare tar bar barrain bargaingain rain Maxwell runabout tct flrstclass 1l s order orderTHE orderTHETHE Hill DEWEY E GARAGE1319 L I St St N W Phone N 43514351ocftfocftf ocftfDRESS ocfUDRESS otfDRESSDRESS SUITS FOR HIRE HIREFULL HIREFUJL RIREijriFULL ijri DRESS and tuxedo suits for hire hirelargest hirelargest hirelargestlargest assortment of firstclass full tulldress tulldressanc1 dress dressand dtessapdand tuxedo cults in Jnthe the city cit Special dis discount dllcount diicount count Jo j Clubs JUUUS COHEN 11M 7th 7that 7thIt 7thitIt at nw del590t del590tSTRICTLY den90ttRIcrLT delgOtSTRICTLYSTRICTLY antclaas full dress and tuxedo tuxedocults tuxlldlvlta tuxedospitzcults vlta for hire at most reasonable reuoDal11eprleu prices pricesM pricesifM T PIMES MERCHANT TAILOR TAILORnol3COt TAILORnouQOt TAILORnollSOtnol3COt 100S 7th St 8t N W WFLOOR WFLOOR WPLOORFLOOR OIL OILFOR OILFOR OILFORFOR PRIVATE and business houses for forneat fornea fornestneat nea glossy floors use HUNTERS dust kill killing kUlIng killbr ing floor ftoo oil SIc a gallon Phone Main 5455 5455or 6iSt 6455o1icpor t o1icp drop pp r postal r P9 PpO1i3 Lo to 113 Pennsylvania penl91v l ave Jel4 i nw f rEEkSONAL EEkSONALWORKINGMEN EEkSONALWORKINGMENLast ONAL f fWOWORKINGMEN WO WORKINGMENLast INGdE Last week before Christ Christmas for bargains overcoats ov ts J2 2 to 14 4 coats coatsand co CuatsantI ta taandand vesta 12 2 and IS 1 coats JLW 116 pants ILM ILMcoats 1M 1Mcoa 160coatscoats coa UO all merchant tailor made beat beatof bMtot beetofof materials only slightly 1i > bUy used See na nabefore nilbe nebeforebefore be tore buying bUYJn elsewhere JUSTHS OLD OLDSTAND OLDSTAND 0113STANDSTAND 619 D de67t de67tMOTHERS del67tIOTlIERSCome dollitMOTIIERSComeMOTHERS IOTlIERSCome Come or send your daughters to toProf SoProt toProfProf Livingstons New ew Yerk Y rk Academy of ofdresscuttlnff otdteucuttlnlr ofdresscuttlngdresscuttlnff dressmaking drc makirz designing ladles ladlestailoring ladlellnorini ladletailoringtailoring norini > flnlsblng g and sewing wing school 1228 1 G GWHAT Gdelitdelit delitWHAT 51642WHATWHAT IS IT YOU WANT WA T TO KNOW Ex Expert Expert Erpert pert private detective service any cause causeall eaueall causeallall sections delicate and intricate matters mattersa mtltteraIpecJaJta a specialty Private consultation rooms roomsabsolute roomslu roomsabsoluteabsolute lu secrecy guaranteed Phone Main Main23J6BRADFORDS km1D fga DETECTIVE v AGENCY AGENCYSuite AGENCYSuIte JB JBSuiteSuite 224 t Colorado 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cess and I1 happiness ea to THIS x WONDERFUL WONDBRFULCLAIRVOYANT WONDERFULC1AIRVOYtNTfIeaS JB JBWlIYCLAIRVOYANT I o She S e has helped others othersWHY othersWHYWHY NOT ND YOU YOU1Z1Nlnth YOU711Ninth721 1Z1Nlnth Ninth St St N W W7n W7nDoOt W721Dont 721 721DontDont Mlstak Mistake Name and Number Numberdeftf Numberdeltt Numberdeltfdeftf deftfMME delttliKE deltfMILEMME DA DAVIS DAV3 VIE born clairvoyant and card read reader ruder rei4en er removes rem ves spells evil influences gives Ivu good1228 ssth t IIW nwg1vemoacanOi059 nwg1vemoacanOi059SIRITUALISM wi gire m me a cafi ca11 noSWOt noSWOtSPIRITUALISM 11 111R1TUALIS14SPIRITUALISM SPIRITUALISMIFIF YOU WISH advice and Information on onany onany onanyany nubjtct call to see 00 MR MLLON and andget IJdJet andgetget a a psyealc reading or independent slate slatewriting altewrlt1DJ slatewnlttojwriting Mr Mlllcn also teaches hypnotism hypnotismaad hypnotismandpalrnlatxyaad andpalrnlatxy palmistry 912 Eye at aw delt delltt dellttMASSAGE dellVtMANSAGE tt ttMASSAGEMASSAGE MASSAGE6CIENTIPIC MASSAGESCIENTIFIC MANSAGESCIENTIFICSCIENTIFIC MASSAGE face tac and a scalp alpwrinkles Blemishes removed Mrs LYDIAJOHNSON M G graduated U Sweden Swedenlit1212 lit G st t uw n Trial treatment treatment Sic MSCWM MSCWMKONMEDICAL f folt38t MJ015Mito1Stolt38t olt38tlONMEDICAL ito1StZIONMEDICAL >KONMEDICAL HEALING HEALINGLOCOMOTORATAXIA HEALINGLOCOtOTORATA ILEALINGWCOMOTOI2ATAXLtLOCOMOTORATAXIA CAN BE CCRBD CCRBDTHE CCRBDTHE CCRXDTHETHE JCNOD JUNODTHE THE VACUUM V ACUUMTJtEAT ACUUMTJtEATT TREAT MENT T of ENFORCED Restoring Rest r1B the CIR CIRCULATION CIRCULATIO CxliCULATION CULATION Is the DRUGLB68 and BACKTO NATURE METHOD ETHOD OF 01 CURING LOCO MOTORATAXIA KH2UMATISM RHEt lIiP1 PARALY PARALYSIS P AJtLYiIS SIS 15 BRIGHTS DISEASE DIABETES DIABETESJ MY MYAUTIS MYALITISAUTIS aDd those tho PAINFUL PL FCL Ad UNPLEAS UNPLEASANT trnP trnPANT UNPLEAS UNPLEASANT ANT CONDITIONS CONDiTIO or the SPINE KID KIDNEYS KIDNEYS NEYS NERVES and DIGESTIVE ORGANS ORGANSINCURABLE OrIB gIT IS ES1ZCIALLY APPLICABLE gf J1 to Gt thoseINCURABLE socalled AILMENTS AI TSthat that areBEYOND THE SKILL OF YOUR PHYSI CIA CIANThe ClANTheCIATIleThe JUNOD n OD SYSTEM demonstrates that thatthere thattMrethere is a FC1ENCE la HEALING HEALLGEQUAL HEALLGEQUALTO EQUAL EQUALTOTO THAT IN 1 SURGERY Pbyslct Physicians and aadthose LDdtllo andthosethose tllo suffering denD with any ailment which the tfaftusual tb6 tb6ual theusualusual ual jemedlea fall to relIeve are JnvlUxJ to tocall tocan tocallcall for f free reit information ad references referencesPROF rdefMCHPROF rcferacesPROFPROF H He N D PARKER PAR 1O4 1 4 N Y AveHears 10 te 6 6 Suadaye 10 to 1 lLady 1LadT 1LadyLady Assistant Phone Pbo M rL 4112 4112Coasultatfcw 4112ConsultatItaCoasultatfcw and treatment at yo We r homes homes1ikOD homeswhoa names namesrhearhea d c1k deslral 4rHl deUtf deUtfDENTISl deUUDENTI1 513tiDENTILYDENTISl DENTILY DENTILYGREAT Y YGREAT YGREATGREAT HOLIDAY DBNTAL OFFER OFFERSet OFFELSet OFFERSetSet ol teeth t UI ItM 15 LS4 gold crowns eIO 21k 876 876bridgework 7C 7Ckridgework 75rWgeworkbridgework HM 151 tOUuft illna X emu emuUNION a aCNION sls upUNION PAINLESS S DENTISTS DENTISTSrj67 rj F St St N W del3t del3tDR8 de1JtDR8 dellH3R8DR8 O W I J W J ELZEY E Y DENTISTS DENTISTSR 1R S W cot 3th and F fits N W WSpeclaHsU WtaDri WSpecialistsSpecialists taDri la Painless Extracting rx GoM Ge14own iCrown own and Bridge r Work Filllasa F iWnga and TBlatet TBlatetthat latsi latsithat c cthatthat fit Satisfaction guaranteed or moooy 18OQo7rctUD moneyrefunded moooyrefundedrefunded rctUD 1cd leistf 1esUCUTCUT RATE DEXTISTHT110 19 Set of Teeth Gold Crews and Bridgework Br14eworkllUnp111It 4 Fittings llUnp 6c itc Painless Extractlea moo FTMV mooUu S JDR J AnDy Arm and NaY Dental AuocJaU9o Assoap AssoapDRDR D HARRY MORAl Mgr Mgra Mgra00 a F ST NW CORNER OF TTH TTHjylttf tTHjUU 7THjylltijylttf jylttfTEETH jUUTEETH jylltiTEETHTEETH without JUleut plates n ne extracting cxtraCU 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wagon w n for livery use 680 ICON N NipttolCapitol ipttol at at de43t de43tFOR detHtFOR det64tFORFOR SALECheay 1 large hone Apply Ap y M6 M66th H66th 1966th6th at lit ue or 814 H st at nw iw de43t de43tFOR deH3tFOR de143tFOIlFOR SALE SALEChcap Cheap light wagon wa Hear 1318 13189th 131Sth 13189th9th th at st nw 11 de43t de43tK deU3tK SoldItICK ST NW 1 959 St 983Nice Nice Ice room with good tabl tablboard tablo tabloboard tabloboardboard de43t de43tGANTZ delWtGANTZ dellItOANTZGANTZ aelllnr ae11l out IS300 7U C Co T runabout runaboutJ5500 runaboutoo runabout0oJ5500 0o 16000 oo top bugglsa ftfOO JS309 533 sarrrs sarrrsat II IIEverything surrysatat 3800 7500 S9500 top spring wagons wagonsEverything J75M J75MEverythingEverything at cost Com Come for bargains bargainshoGnotOW1206 hoGnotOW n st nw oc23tf oc23tfFASHIONABLE oc23ttFASmONABLE oc33tfFASHIONABLEFASHIONABLE MILLINERY MILLINERYMILLINERY MILLINERYMILLtNERY MILLINERYMILLiNERYMILLINERY MILLtNERY stylishly node trimmed trjmm and 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BROKERS BROKBits ERS ERS 611 11 F deist tlelfiKGROCERY tIeltitGROCERY deist0UOCERYGROCERY meat Jft at cigar and aoUOn store OM OMbest oatbestbest stand tand In norUvsast monthly JDO buala buolpom e eJ15e IJ15e l 1599 ran opportunity to secure tkl u this k Me Megain bsr bsrgain r rgaingain soaiA owa ow owno BUSINESS BROiOSRS D EKS m U F del delJt delJtCIGAR dellStCIGAR St StCIGARICIGAR all pxlroom pmmlDeDt poomlo nt atreetnorth atreetnorthvMwt atnetJlCllUtwoet atreetnerthWestWest clearing 4 day bar ta at HM 9H HEW HEWYORK IfWYORK 2IWYORKYORK BUSiNHSe BROKERS 611 6111 F FBAK1JRY61114e16It4e16It 4e16ItBAKlJRY 42642BAK31RYandonfectlosseryBAK1JRY BAK31RYandonfectlossery aad coofecttoaery AUM cam owa Owner r X Xyears SHIa Clyearsyears HIa Feaayval Peansyvflla BU7YIU aV aYe y K JHtIe > attoc Mutt ovtfttworth Muttt04 otlltworthworth 1809 PtiM Dtio liii 4M aWltogjw ubg ubgold aecocat l lBRS of ofeMeM age g NBW t04 YORK I BU BU3R8 BUDCl8d I BRQK BRQKBBSBBS 611 nF F deMK deMKOYSTER d dellItOYSTER 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